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The user has more than one shipping price list named: One Fulfillment PL.

#8 Zapaleniec#

Hello, @N_Nitka28 @RaBarbar_ka @MiMary @w_kiwi @Sa_nova @la_nika @ayo80 @nat_not @_HolaOla_  

I got this error when try to add product with csv file to the One Fulfillment account. 

"The user has more than one shipping price list named: One Fulfillment PL."


After I added the value “One Fulfillment PL” in the Shipping Price List column (the other value to select is “One Fulfillment International”), I still get this error message.

I also checked the Shipping Price List in the Delivery Settings and got this info:
"You are using One Fulfillment, so you do not have to worry about delivery options."

What I find strange is: I have already successfully listed more than 500 items in the One Fulfillment account last week although the “Shipping Price List” column is set to DHL (which is of course wrong as only Allegro takes care of shipping for the fulfillment service). But today I could not list the new items.

Can you please help me? Thank you very much.


Rebecca from Panasiam



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@PANASIAM_One I have to ask you to send the file with which there is a problem through this form. The consultants will check what is causing the irregularity.


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