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I am an EU citizen with PESEL number and new to allegro. One seller refunded some amount to allegro last week but I can't see it in my account. I thought I need to enable allegro pay but when I check that you must be Polish citizen. I wonder if anyone can guide me where I can see this refund amount.
@tirexxerit To receive a refund, you do not have to activate Allegro Pay (besides, you won't do it if you are not a Polish citizen). Refunds are transferred to the account from which you paid for the order. If you don't see it, please tell me your order number and I'll check if the seller actually refunded your money.
Thank you finally I got the hang of it. When the seller said that I should see the under allegro settings, I thought money stays within allegro but now I see both of my refunds are sent to my credit card and bank account separately.