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Delivery to Lithuania

#7 Wielbiciel#

Witam, dlaczego dostawcy odmówili wysyłki na Litwę w przypadku moich ostatnich 3 zamówień, mimo że wcześniej się to nie zdarzało? Czy są to przypadki losowe, czy już wszyscy dostawcy nie wysyłają towarów na Litwę?



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Była Moderatorka
Była Moderatorka

@Client:93932549 Cześć, to sprzedający decyduje, gdzie wysyła paczki. Przed zakupem należy dopytać o wysyłkę sprzedającego 🙂 

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#7 Wielbiciel#

The problem is that from 2023, not a single seller will send ordered goods to Lithuania, and today I specifically tried to order any goods - perfumes, phones, coffee (and it was not indicated on the seller's page that it would not be sent to the above-mentioned country), but when I tried to buy, then an apostrophe pops up saying that the product is not sent to your country... So I think that your sales page mistakenly decided not to send products to Lithuania - am I right, because by 2023 I had bought about 10 products and not a single seller refused to send products to Lithuania? So what's the matter?

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#17 Koryfeusz#

Nobody sells to Lithuania. You have to ask the appropriate seller if he agrees to sell abroad. If so you will see a delivery conditions and prices. Allegro is a local Polish portal which has already been trying to go to Czech and Slovakia market

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#21 Demiurg#

you may buy and send a payed paczkage list from operator you payed to make a delivery to you and then seller will send your order on your responsibility to your country

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#17 Koryfeusz#

nikt nie wysyła na Litwę. Dostawy do kraju innego niż PL wymagają osobnych ustawień w aukcjach. Być może tamci ci udostępnili tę opcję na Twoją prośbę. Tu byś musiał zrobić to samo, ale on nie ma obowiązku się zgodzic.

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#7 Wielbiciel#

That's how I realized that not a single seller sells goods to Lithuania anymore. But the most interesting question for me is what inspired it, because the more buyers, the bigger the profit. So one thing is clear, if it is not an economic decision that happened in 2023, because as I said - this year ago I downloaded dozens of products from your page... And also - my friends from Germany buy goods from your page and receive them. So one question - what did Lithuania "offend" you?...

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#17 Koryfeusz#

It is nothing wrong with Lithuania. Poland sells obły to Poland and sometimes to Czech and Slovakia. We don’t send to Bułgaria, France, Norway too. Maybe sometimes. Give us time because There arę many legal and tax conplications which mut be solved first if we want to start export someting

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#7 Wielbiciel#

I understood something, I didn't understand something, because before 2023 I have been trading, or rather buying from Allegro for 5 (or maybe longer) years. I don't think there are any legal or customs problems here, because it didn't exist before. Something happened in 2023, but what - it's not clear?...

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#17 Koryfeusz#

Probably you asked your seller to and An option especially for you in one proper auction. You still can do it this way.

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#7 Wielbiciel#

Thanks for the answers - you are very patient and benevolent to my "persistent whining":) I understood you and now I will try to negotiate with each seller separately.

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