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I ordered an item to the old address what can I do now?

#7 Wielbiciel#

Hi there,i ordered an item to the previous address where i used to live. I saw in shipping history that the item was with courier and that it was failed to deliver. How can i get that item on my new address ? I already change now in my account new address. Thanks

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#21 Demiurg#


Contact the seller and give him the new address. Pay for re-shipment.


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#7 Wielbiciel#

But isnt there an option to contact the post and just send it to the new address ? I mean its redicolous to send it back and then again here...

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#21 Demiurg#

Please contact the seller. Give him the new address. Have him contact the post office and ask for delivery to a different address.

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@Shomy95 I checked the status of this delivery and it seems that you received an e-mail with information about missed delivery. Please check it I see that yesterday it was send back to the sender, but maybe you still have the time to stop it.  
You can call the Contact Center ((+48) 438 420 600) first press 3 and then 9 for english and the consultant will help you solve this problem 🙂 

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