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Unable to upload my own file (non-Allegro) when listing offers from file

#2 Obserwator#

We are trying to sell our catalog of ~6000 products on Allegro but are having trouble linking them to the existing Allegro product catalog.

First we tried using Channable, but this way the categories are linked incorrectly which makes it impossible to link to the catalog because of the category mismatch. Is there any way to ignore the category that we set, and just copy the product information including category from the catalog?

Secondly we tried uploading our own file (non-Allegro) to list offers from file. We were hoping when we only import the EAN, price, quantity and reference, the products would be linked automatically but we are unable to import this file. The import gives the following error message: "Invalid file encoding. Save the file in UTF-8 or Windows-1250 format. Learn more". We have already tried saving and converting the CSV to UTF-8 and Windows-1250 format but none of these version seem to be working. How can we upload our CSV?


Many thanks,
Sven from Plustoys

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@Plustoys if you have already tried twice and it didn't work, you should create a CSV file based on this template



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#2 Obserwator#

@_HolaOla_ thank you for the answer! When uploading using the template the import can start, but here we have the same problem with the categories: "- The offer category (XXXXX) does not match the product category (XXXXX)."

Is there any way we can make sure all our products get the correct product category based on the given EAN?

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@Plustoys unfortunately no, I don't think so. 


Jeżeli czyjaś odpowiedź rozwiązała Twój problem, wybierz To jest rozwiązanie! 🙂
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#8 Zapaleniec#

I also encountered the same problem. Have you solved the problem now?

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