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Hello, I have managed to upload products via file on my site before, but I could not understand how to upload women's jewelry sets with an Excel file. In the file, there is 1 answer to the question of what the set contains: bracelet, earrings, etc. But I have earrings, necklace and ring in my set, how should I do it? Can you please help me?
Hi @KEMALBAYIR! Do you list your offers in the Sets category (no 123430)?
There is a "Set content" parameter there.
Thank you for your answer. I am trying to list my offers in the sets category, but while listing, I can only choose one answer in the "What is the content of the set" section and I cannot specify the ring sizes and lengths in the set as a variant, we can do these manually in detail. But I need help on how to list offers in Excel format.
@KEMALBAYIR in that case, please send the file that you are trying to upload with the description of the problem via contact form (by choosing e-mail message).