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Odśwież stronę i spróbuj jeszcze raz.
Powinno to być związane z krajem dostawy, a nie z językiem!
Jestem w Polsce i chcę korzystać ze strony w języku angielskim.
Ale nadal jestem w Polsce!
Dlaczego nie miałbym zobaczyć produktów, które można dostarczyć tylko w Polsce?
Because changing the language is connected with international clients, not from Poland.
I appreciate you taking the time to try to answer this one but I'm afraid you didn't understand the question.
Just read my message once again and you'll end up on the same conclusion.
Thank you!
@lucasestevao I'm not sure which language do you prefer 🙂 Thank you for your message!
This is because user who will choose English language will see only offers that we translated to English. This is why we are showing this information.
Hi Monika, thanks for your answer.
I'd like to expand a little bit on this product decision taken by the Allegro POs/PMs.
When I choose the language in any website it's about the menus, labels, and titles of the platform, not about the content that some user puts there.
I imagine you use your Instagram in Polish, since your phone is in Polish. Then Instagram hides all content in English from you. Sounds like a good deal to you?
For sure a website shouldn't hide content just because it's in other languages. You're literally killing a possible deal.
I live in Poland for almost 5 years (and yes, still didn't learn fluently this language :/) and I survived all this time using Allegro in Polish. Now that I finally have the chance to use it in English you tell me that I won't see some of the ads?!
So I have two options:
Thank you in advance,
@lucasestevao thank you Lucas! I understand your point of view and I have passed on your message to a dedicated team. If I get any more information that I can support you with I will let you know.