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How can I make sure the delivery address on my account is correct?

#1 Nowicjusz#

5 days ago I have ordered and paid for 2 deliveries. A few days later I discovered that the delivery of the first of that failed because only street name (and no building/apartment number) was provided. I am not sure if it was my fault on setting an account or a bug in application but I went to my account information and changed the address in two places - my data and delivery address. The second parcel by that time hasn't been sent yet (and I got the correspondent excuse message from the seller). Besides, I got the message that my first order has been re-sent to me. Today, I got the message from the first seller (the one having tried to deliver the parcel twice) that my order cannot be delivered because of missing building and flat numbers (which I had provided a few days ago, before the second attempt of delivery). The second seller has marked the order as delivered while it actually was not. Trying to figure out what's happening I requested the export of my address information, and discovered that there are 4 addresses belonging to my account, two of them with missing data, which are presumably followed to the sellers I order goods from. This is very disappointing situation. I've had to paid additional delivery costs for the first order, and my second order is gone for now. I hope very much that this situation will be solved as I planned to use regularly but not for loosing money for nothing. Thank you. 

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@Client:107239974 As I understand you completed the data after making orders. Sellers have access to the addresses shown in the settings at the time of purchase. This data does not update after the changes you made. If you are in contact with the sellers, give them the correct address. Next orders should go to you without problem if the data is already completed.

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