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Sorry for not talking Polish but I just bought 2 items and was suprised by additional shippping costs. I therefore canceled the creditcard payment but still it seems the items were confirmed to be bought?! I tried to delete them from the 'Bought Items' but that didn't help.
1. Do I still need to pay?
2. If so, How do I do this because I can't find my items anywhere...
Thanks for the help!
@Client:94366976 You don't have to pay, you can email the seller a cancellation statement. However, if you want to pay, ask Allegro to restore these items to the Purchased tab via this form;
@Client:94366976 I just bought 2 items and was suprised by additional shippping costs - Of course you have checked BEFORE bidding if the seller offers shipping outside of Poland? and what are the shipping costs?