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Payment not received

#7 Wielbiciel#

  @ko_alka @mr_oma @la_nika @nat_not @_HolaOla_ Hello, so i wanted to buy an item on Allegro lokalnie, went to pay for it through the traditional transfer through payu since i couldnt find my native bank in the list. Copied all the data And made the payment through George(internet banking app for česká spořitelna/die Erste)

Unfortunately Its been 5 days, payment left my account on 02:00 am monday and today the purchase was cancelled as ive apparently failed to send a payment in said 5 days. Its been 4, i "brought" it on saturday.

Ive definetly sent everything correctly and Now im down -2200 pln And customer support hasnt been able to get to me for multiple days( ive been in contact since monday trying to make sure the payment arrived, pretty much all ive been told Is theyll look into it)

Ive been told to wait another 24 hours, i doubt ill get a straight answer tommorrow so i wanted to start a discussion on the offer but can't find the tab to do so in my Kupione page. 

Anything i can do other then wait ? I dont want to nag anybody but Its been days And Its alot of money. Thank you.

Also the offer only shows up under Kupione, not under active or any other tab.

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@KrefOne Hi! Of course, I understand the issue and it is a lot of money so you have every right to be nervous.  Unfortunately, the payment didn't go through and this is why the order was canceled.  
I checked the e-mail correspondence with us, you sent the payment confirmation in the case no 30680996 so probably the Advisor will get back to you with information about your payment. For now I have to ask for your patience. 


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