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I have an account that is now approved, but am unable to post products and sell because my account "is not yet activated"? So, I looked through all my emails from Allegro and found no emails with activation that I hadn't verified already. What sort of activation is this and how do I proceed?
@Odex147 According to my information, your business account has not been activated yet. I am attaching an article with instructions:
I don't understand why you do not post links to activation in neither the instruction nor in the online account setup? Why do I have to search for this? Can you post a link to the activation here?
... but when I push "Activate sales" I get this:
Weryfikujemy dane Twojej firmy
Proces weryfikacji może zająć kilka dni. O decyzji poinformujemy Cię e-mailem.
which leads me to believe that the verification is already in progress?
@Odex147 The message proves that yes. I will ask what stage the verification of your account by the appropriate team is and I will get back to you with an answer.
@Odex147 I received information that you will receive information about the verification result by noon on the next business day (Monday).
świetnie Dziękuję Ci bardzo. Dobry weekend