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Allegro store

#7 Wielbiciel#

Hi, I just get a base subscription and i was creating the categories of my store but I don't understand why I can't find in It the products I listed before of purchase the subscription.

Can someone help me? Thank u in advance 🙂

oznacz moderatorów


@Twoj-Rzemieslnik Describe the entire problem in detail and, if possible, include screenshots showing where you are looking for your offers. Also provide the numbers of the offers you can't find.

oznacz moderatorów

#7 Wielbiciel#

Ciao, grazie per la risposta veloce, nel dettaglio sto cercando di creare una categoria nel mio negozio quindi mi viene chiesto di scegliere il link dei prodotti da visualizzare nella categoria.

Non sapevo come trovarlo quindi sono andato nel mio negozio e ho visto che a sinistra c'era la categoria.

Quindi ho provato a scegliere quel collegamento e ho visto che lì vengono mostrati solo i prodotti aggiunti dopo l'abbonamento.

Poi sono andato nella sezione offerte e ho provato ad aggiungere filtri per copiare il collegamento dopo aver filtrato le offerte ma non sono state visualizzate nessuna delle due.
Mancano alcuni prodotti:




I'm sorry but I can't see how to attach screen, could you help me?

oznacz moderatorów

Była Moderatorka
Była Moderatorka

@Twoj-Rzemieslnik Sorry, but I don't understand what the problem is. Do you mean you don't see your store name as manufacturer? Please show me in the screenshots what you mean.


oznacz moderatorów

#7 Wielbiciel#

Basically, If i go into my store and look at the category in upper left corner and choose one of them i cannot see any of the products added before of the subscription.

For example, in this screenshot I tried to click on the "Pokrowce" category that, as showed, should have 33 products but when I click on the linkScreenshot 2023-09-12 alle 09.26.12.pngOffers-from-user-Twoj-Rzemieslnik-Covers-Allegro.png no one of them is displayed.

That happens with all the products listed before I bought the subscription.

oznacz moderatorów

Była Moderatorka
Była Moderatorka

@Twoj-Rzemieslnik  For business accounts, we have separated the visibility of listings into:
* offers intended mainly for business purchases
* offers intended for consumer purchases.

This means that we display all offers in the consumer view. On the other hand, for company accounts in the business view, we display offers that have options:
- VAT invoice
- VAT margin invoice
- invoice without VAT

If you want to add offers without an invoice, try in the Account section, select the consumer view.


oznacz moderatorów