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Mój sklep został zawieszony z powodu użycia nieprawidłowego numeru EAN i nikt nie odpowiedział na moją reklamację.Co mam zrobić?
Dzień dobry,
Thank you for your message.
I have read your case regarding the imposed restrictions on the functionality of your account. We have taken action on your account because you are adding products with incorrect GTINs (EAN).
Such action violates the Allegro Regulations, article 8, point 8.4.
What does this mean for you:
- in the case of active offers on the account, we will complete 1/30 of them per day until the restrictions are removed,
- you cannot post new offers,
- you can still use the option of shopping on Allegro.
What to do:
- please read Allegro's regulations and correct your GTIN (EAN) numbers.
The only valid EANs are EANs from the GS1 database:
After making the appropriate changes, you should make sure that all offers comply with Allegro's rules.
If a similar situation occurs again, your account on our website may be suspended indefinitely.
// Estera
Dział Bezpieczeństwa Transakcji
Zespół Allegro