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Allegro is not working right

#9 Pomysłodawca#

Firstly, i want to share my experience on Allegro in these 10 days.

1. The main problem is there is no ENglish version and website can be difficult for non-polish sellers like me. 
2. The website does not work on some browsers like google chrome. When i tried to list item in chrome with translator extension, just page stopped and there was nothing to do.
3. There is no option to cancel an order on Allegro Lokalnie

P.S: I think the website can be differ from person to person because i watched many videos about allegro and i saw that there was different appearance

Moderators, these are my simple thoughts about Allegro and maybe you can use them to make it more useful because Allegro deserve it


Thank you 

oznacz moderatorów

Thank you for opinion @Terrazon, but: 

1. Actually we work on English version of our website, so it will be soon available.

2. Please clear cookies and cache in your browser and try also in incognito mode. This should help, but if you still have a problem, please write here and we will try to help.

3. Yes, you are right, we created Allegro Lokalnie for those who sell goods occasionally, and all the buyers.  Of course, on Allegro Lokalnie we have different rules than on Allegro, so If you need more info, how Allegro Lokalnie works, you can find them here.

oznacz moderatorów
#9 Pomysłodawca#

Thank you for consideration. I tried in incognito too but it did not work either. Can you please tell me is there any english material that i can learn working mechanism? and also if you can help me to solve listing on allegro problem, it will make me glad.

Thank you again 


oznacz moderatorów

@Terrazon Yes, I can strongly recommend for you Allegro Academy courses and our Help Center where you will find all the most important information about selling on Allegro. 

Do you have problem with listing only on Google Chrome? Please try also some others, like FIrefox, Opera etc.

oznacz moderatorów
#9 Pomysłodawca#

I have problem just google chrome. I tried in Opera and it worked correctly.

oznacz moderatorów
#15 Entuzjasta#


Changing from allegro lokalnie to is like the choice between straight to narrow and rocky road, especially for non-polish speaking person.
I don't want you to discourage, but I tell you: it'll be much harder. A LOT of categories (and different commisions, even for shipping costs ; check calculator and watch out for charge of promoted offers !), a lot of restrictions in creating your offers, forced connecting with product catalogue (which is sth new and doesn't work properly at this moment), a lot of stats in quality of selling etc.

I've checked your offers on lokalnie and I think you need help from someone who'll write it in polish properly, because (I think) google translation generally works, but sometimes sounds a bit strange. For example "Wiatroszczelne rękawice sportowe z ekranem dotykow" suggests that these gloves have any touch screen (in fact, they have a small surface to use on touch screen).

I rather would stay on lokalnie, but of course - you can try. Good luck, anyway ! 😊

oznacz moderatorów
#9 Pomysłodawca#

Thank you. You are right. Allegro .pl is like **piiip** and  i am **piiip** seller actually but just i wanted to try this market. For sure i will stay on locally till the understand mechanism of Promotion is the reason why i want to go 

Also what do you think, if i write description and names on english, can people understand their meanings? Ithink young generation is cool about this but sometimes people need something native. 

And these products are on my hands and i just put them there for testing market that how it is working. I will consider your advice. Good luck to you too.

oznacz moderatorów
#15 Entuzjasta#


Polish title in offer is very welcome, of course, but it should be correct. Another one: "wysokiej jakości wodoodporna zdalna wielokolorowa" doesn't say anything what is the product (it's a LED tape = taśma LED). In description you can try to use both versions (translated by google and english), because you may not be aware when google translator works good ("Niezwyciężona obsługa posprzedażna" - what the heck does it mean ?]

And one more thing: when you call someone to read your answer just pick @ and choose a user from the list.

oznacz moderatorów
#9 Pomysłodawca#

@cookie000 Thank you. Yeah, i thought that it was meaningless 🙂

oznacz moderatorów
#17 Koryfeusz#

Na Allegro nie korzystaj z opcji "Allegro lokalnie" - ta opcja jest dla klientów "bliskich" , gdy mogą przyjechać i obejrzeć towar.
Przetłumacone przez google translate.

Rozumiem, że są ludzie, którzy za 20 gr. będą gnać pchłę przez 20km, lecz nie potrafię ich zrozumieć.
oznacz moderatorów
#17 Koryfeusz#
On Allegro, do not use the "Allegro locally" option - this option is for "relatives" customers, when they can come and see the goods.
Translated by google translate.
Rozumiem, że są ludzie, którzy za 20 gr. będą gnać pchłę przez 20km, lecz nie potrafię ich zrozumieć.
oznacz moderatorów