Hello please can you helping to me?
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Hi I can speak and write only Slowak or German or English 😉
I have problem I need buy this article
Buyer have change delivery for Austria but its not working
Can you answer please what ist the Problem?
Thank you very much for helping to me
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@Client:104510278, can you share some details about why it is not working? Did you talk with the seller?
Daj znać, co myślisz o Allegro Gadane i wypełnij ankietę! 🙂
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Hi thanks for the answer 😉
Yes I'm in Contact about 3 days I have seen offer fron the seller its only for Palland the have change it but I see all offers only this one what I need I can not buying Post cost for Ausria its 250 ZL this its OK for me bud I can't give the article. Do koszyka
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@Client:104510278, I will check it. Please be patient, I will come back to you. 🙂
Daj znać, co myślisz o Allegro Gadane i wypełnij ankietę! 🙂
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I can send you chat History the Seller its ok😉But they sey to me I don't know why its that not working 😐I need the Article because I must repair my Car 😁Sorry for my bad English my German speak its much better.. I hope that we found something for this.. I find Allegro better as **piiip** or **piiip**.. I have buying many years from Allegro but with adres from Poland from my Work colague but they working not more in Austria.. Video link from YouTube its we I can't not buy this article.. Many thanks Im waiting for your answer
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Hi, looks like the seller didn't specify postage to Poland, which is primary destination country, thus inactivating the listing. I am based in Poland and can't add the item to cart either.
When you scroll down the listing and click "Dostawa i płatność", you'll see postage not specified to Poland (do Polski). Maybe it will help if the seller enables shipping to Poland as well.
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Yes I know I need it for Austria
Seller make the Change for Austria I See Post for Austria 250zl but I can't make the Order - dodac do koszyka
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Yes, and I can't buy this item from Poland either.
Looks like shipping to Poland has to be enabled, with Austria as an option for shipping abroad.
Right now no one can buy from this listing, regardless location - seems that if the listing is disabled for the primary country Poland, it's disabled for all countries.
Btw Some of this seller's items can't be purchased through "Add to Cart". Once the listing is active again, you may have to use the "Buy Now" (Kup Teraz) with payment on delivery.
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Can't see the pics - you've got too few posts and pics need to be approved by Moderator.
Seller "switched" from Poland to Austria, which disabled the whole listing. I think both Poland and Austria have to be enabled. Then you can choose shipping to Austria at the checkout.
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Good Morning,
Kup Teraz option its not working ,you can nothing:(
Can maybe something write to seller what should they making?I thing they don't understand me 😞
Thank you
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Looks like you did buy the item 🙂
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Hi, yes but -for Adress from Poland 🙂
Someone helping to me 🙂
Thanks to all you are the Best 🙂
Allegro its TOP!!!!