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How to buy without VAT

#7 Wielbiciel#

My company is VAT registered in EU and is outside Poland. 
Hot to make my account in Allegro to pay without VAT when ordering with delivery to my country (Bulgaria) ?

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#7 Wielbiciel#

We have already business account on Allegro, but when buying items on the section for paying the price always appears with VAT for us.
Our company is outside Poland and is VAT registered, so by law the VAT must be deducted.
How can this be solved ?

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@FITAUTOLTD I have forwarded this case for consultation. I will get back to you with an answer.


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#7 Wielbiciel#

Waiting for your answer.

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@FITAUTOLTD I received information that your company account is not fully active. Most likely, this is the cause of the problem. Here you will find information on how to activate your Company account.


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#7 Wielbiciel#

Hello again,

Our account is only for buying. We don't want to sell on Allegro.
You are sending us link how to activate business account for sellers.
Our company is VAT registered in EU and by law as a foreign company the items must be sold to us without VAT, because we pay VAT in our country.
What have to be done so that we can buy on net price (without VAT) ?

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@FITAUTOLTD Even if you don't want to sell, your account must be verified as a company if you want to buy as a company.


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#1 Nowicjusz#


Every where on your website states that if I want only to buy as a company, don't need to make business account for sellers. Just need to make business account for buyers and fill our company details as name, address and VAT number.
From about 3-4 years we have business account and buy on Allegro with VAT.
Want to buy without VAT because we pay it in our country according to EU laws.
You contradict your own rules written on your website with the information that you are giving me.
We buy from many countries in EU and there is no such requirements, only VAT number is needed to proof our business registration to buy without VAT.

Want to find solution to this problem once and for all

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@Fitauto-LTD as already explained, in order to buy on Allegro as a company registered outside of Poland, you must have a company account. Such information is contained in this article🙂


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#21 Demiurg#

tak jak pisałem wcześniej, oni nie chcą sprzedawać, tylko kupować na fv w opcji TAX-FREE, czyli bez podatku vat, w cenach netto. Moim zdaniem nie jest to chyba możliwe.

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#21 Demiurg#

to bardziej chodzi o zakupy TAX-FREE dla obcokrajowców.

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