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When we upload the .csv file, the following error occurs:
"Save the file in UTF-8 or Windows-1250 format"
The following .xlsm file is the template I downloaded from the allegro backend. After I edited it, I saved it as a uft-8 .csv file, as shown below:
I don't know why this problem occurs. I found that after saving it as a .csv file, the data was messed up. After uploading, the error mentioned above is prompted.
It’s my first time to try allegro. I’m very anxious. I hope I can get help. I’ll wait online. Thank you.
@LoveCreativity I'm sorry that you had to wait for our replay, but you wrote about your problem on the wrong forum ("share your ideas" instead "for sellers"). We will try to help you, but please send us your file by email to this address: (in your email add link to this tread).
THX, i had sent an email to the address: