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Need information to improve sales in Allegro

#7 Wielbiciel#


I want to know that how can we increase the sales of our product in allegro.

I have seen the option daily deal in the backend.

So it would be great if you can help me how to set it for our products and what would be the costing

Thank you 

oznacz moderatorów


@Zoomyo Can you explain what kind of "daily deal" you are thinking about? We can offer you a badge of the super price and you can read more about that in this article. Also on this page you will find more information how to increase your sale by different tools which we offer on Allegro.


oznacz moderatorów

#7 Wielbiciel#


Yeah I mean to say in the seller contact I have found that we can open a ticket regarding the daily deals in Allegro .

So I want to know that it is possible to add discount in the specific products and if it is possible than what would be the costing because I cannot found any option to add any discount in the products from our side.




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