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New API connector - Need to test & how do I add to sandbox account?

#7 Wielbiciel#


My name is Scott Bagnall, I am from a company called Volo Commerce. Volo Commerce is a UK market-leading ecommerce solution package that has many connections to online marketplaces.

We have registered an app in the sandbox but can't find information on how to add this application to my sandbox store so we can start testing. Can anyone point me in the right direction or walk me through the process.


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High, im shure @_HolaOla_ or @msniezek could help you as they no some things a-boat allegro API connections and saw on 🙂

joost w8 for their re-play 😛

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#17 Koryfeusz#

@VoloCom Hi, afaik, you have to activate a sandbox account. Create a new issue at and request an activation. You can also ask any api/rest related questions on their GitHub. Cheers

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#7 Wielbiciel#

Thank you both for your assistance and speedy replies, I will give that a go now. 

Thanks again,

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