Autoryzacja nie powiodła się.
Odśwież stronę i spróbuj jeszcze raz.
Od teraz nie musicie już pisać do nas, żeby zgłosić potrzebę dodania swojej marki lub producenta czy modelu do listy wartości w parametrze. Udostępniliśmy Wam narzędzie, dzięki któremu w szybki i prosty sposób dacie nam znać jakiej wartości brakuje.
Jak to działa
Możecie samodzielnie uzupełnić formularz zgłoszeniowy, który trafi bezpośrednio do zespołu odpowiedzialnego za wprowadzanie zmian w parametrach. Formularz znajdziecie w dwóch miejscach:
Jakie informacje musicie podać, by zgłosić nową wartość
Dla nowej wartości musicie podać:
Co dalej
W ciągu 14 dni dostaniecie mejla z naszą decyzją i uzasadnieniem.
Hi, I fill the form and its almost 10 to 11 days and I didn't get any mail from allegro.
@Client:128136710 as we wrote above you should receive a reply within 14 days, so please wait and if nothing changes, please contact us again.
I didn't get any mail yet. Can you please register the brand or any direct contact to support for registration.
Hello, @Client:128136710. In what category exactly did you want to add the brand? Please provide the category path and the the parameter you wanted to add. We will check it out.
Thanks for your response, register brand name " JOLAR." in these following categories.
Category No. 1489
Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Belts
category no. 5556
Allegro - Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Backpacks
category no. 1491
Allegro - Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Bags
Sports Bags
category no. 78714
Allegro - Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Handbags - Sports Bags
Messenger Bags
category no. 261791
Allegro - Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Handbags - Messenger Bags
category no. 261787
Allegro - Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Handbags - Classic
category no. 1490
Allegro - Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Wallets
category no. 147827
Allegro - Sports and Travel - Travel - Backpacks - Travel
category no. 147828
Allegro - Sports and Travel - Travel - Backpacks - Urban
Military, Tactical
category no. 148382
Allegro - Sports and Travel - Travel - Backpacks - Military, Tactical
category no. 77783
Allegro - Electronics - Computers - Accessories (Laptop, PC) - Bags, Covers - Backpacks
category no. 77785
Allegro - Electronics - Computers - Accessories (Laptop, PC) - Bags, Covers - Bags
Scarves and Wraps
category no. 1495
Allegro - Fashion - Clothing, Footwear, Accessories - Haberdashery and Accessories - Scarves and Wraps
If you need any document or anything you can reach out me on [edycja]
Zaheer [edycja]
Product Manager
Hi, how much time it takes to register brand. I am trying to register my brand and it's a month. Can you please register my brand.
Hi, @Client:128136710. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Please, provide a link to materials that confirm the existence of the claimed value, e.g. manufacturer's website, confirmation of trademark registration, etc. and attachments - e.g., photos of the product with the brand/model visible.
Here is the trademark registration.
Manufacturer website
Brand Product
Thank you
@Client:128136710 you can report the value of the missing parameter yourself - go to the tab Zgłoś brakującą wartość parametru. Details are described in the news.
@Client:128136710 you can report the value of the missing parameter yourself - go to the tab Zgłoś brakującą wartość parametru. Details are described in the news.
I completed the process, and they mentioned that I would be informed via email. However, I haven't received any email, and it's been almost a month. I haven't found a way to register our brand. I reached out here, and MiMary asked me to send the details. Kindly proceed with registering our brand, JOLAR.
Thank you.
@Client:128136710 I have sent a request to add a brand. I will get back to you with an update when the request is approved.
any update?
Hi, @Client:128136710 I'm sorry to keep you waiting. We are still waiting for approval for your brand. As soon as I receive more information, I will come back to you.
update please. It's almost two months I am trying to register my brand.
Hi, @Client:128136710. I apologize that you had to wait for a reply. The brand has already been added to the parameter dictionaries in the indicated categories.
Witam. Jakie narzędzia możemy wykorzystać do ograniczenia sprzedaży naszych własnych marek (jesteśmy producentem kosmetyków profesjonalnych)? Czy zapis o odnośnie dystrybucji selektywnej jaki nie dawno wszedł może w tym pomóć?