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Sorry for the google-translated description
I have paid for an item 80 PLN this morning, got an email that the payment was successful.
In a couple hours i got a notification that 'oferta jest ponowe dostepna' which I treated as a failed payment, processing or cancellation - my bad.
So I tapped 'Przejdz fo oferty' again, and completed the purchase again. Now I have two PAID orders (different IDs) in my Allegro account, and the money are blocked twice on my bank account.
One important thing is that the seller sells one single item piece, i.e. he doesn't have two items for sure (and of course I don't need two pieces)
So my question to the community is: what should i do next? How can I (and should I) contact the Allegro Support? I'd like to cancel one payment
Przepraszamy za opis przetłumaczony przez google
Zapłaciłem dziś rano za przedmiot 80 zł, dostałem maila, że płatność się powiodła.
Za kilka godzin dostałem powiadomienie, że 'oferta jest ponowe dostepna', co potraktowałem jako nieudaną płatność lub anulowanie - moja wina.
Ponownie nacisnąłem więc „Przejdz na oferty” i ponownie dokonałem zakupu. Teraz mam na koncie Allegro dwa zlecenia PŁATNE (różne identyfikatory), a pieniądze są blokowane dwukrotnie na moim koncie bankowym.
Ważną rzeczą jest to, że sprzedawca sprzedaje jedną sztukę, czyli na pewno nie ma dwóch sztuk (a ja oczywiście nie potrzebuję dwóch sztuk)
Więc moje pytanie do społeczności brzmi: co mam zrobić dalej? Jak mogę (i czy powinienem) skontaktować się z obsługą Allegro? Chciałbym anulować jedną płatność
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I suppose you'll receive one of these payments automatically. I'll call @ko_alka @mr_oma @la_nika @nat_not @_HolaOla_ to confirm it.

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@Client:100367512 All information how to cancel an order, you will find in this article. Please read it and if you have more question, feel free to ask here.
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A z ciekawości zapytam: jak to jest technicznie możliwe, że można zapłacić dwa razy za tą samą ofertę ?

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@cookie000 W tym przypadku to jest jeden przedmiot wystawiony w dwóch, odrębnych ofertach, dlatego autor wątku mógł opłacić obie.

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thank you for your reply. Both of the orders are in the 1st state (Paid) but can't be cancelled - no such button:

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attaching one more image (could attach only 3):

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@Client:100367512 Have you already informed the Seller that you want to resign from one order? If not, please use this option.
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Jeszcze jedno ;]
Czy stosując @ i nazwę użytkownika da się w ten sposób przywołać dowolnego użytkownika allegro ? Bo tak sobie myślę, że w przypadkach sprzedający-kupujący, gdy na przykład jedna osoba nie zrozumie drugiej osoby, to takie przywołanie do wątku mogło by być pomocne w rozwiązaniu sytuacji ;]
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I've asked Hola_Ola how it was possible to make two payments for the same order. Sorry, I was wrong, because you've paid for two different orders.
Now it seems that seller has changed the status for these two orders, so you can't cancel any of them. What now ? The seller hasn't set return policies, so at least you have to contact with him.

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So I sent him the following
Przypadkowo zapłaciłem za przedmiot dwa razy. Rozpocząłem tu rozmowę : https://spolecznosc.allegro.pl/t5/dyskusje-kupuj%C4%85cych/an-item-paid-twice/m-p/269080#M92268
Czy możesz anulować jedno z zamówień? Nie oznacza to, że nie kupuję przedmiotu - po prostu nie chcę płacić dwa razy : )"
We'll see what will be his answer.
In case he refuses to cancel, what should I do next? : )
Thanks for your help
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It looks good :]
If this won't work, you can open discussion and wait for the allegro assistance.

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I got one payment returned to me (unblocked), but there are still two orders visible in Purchase History, and both of them have same status Paid (which I find incorrect, and I think most likely this is a back-end bug -- one should be shown as Cancelled).
Another thing is that yesterday I've got the package via some courier service (shybka paczka or smth like that) , the contents are totally fine, but the status of the order(s) didn't change to Delivered/Completed. I assume the seller didn't link the shipment to the order properly or Allegro doesn't allow linking of some services, is that correct?
I thanked the seller for the item and he told me that the shipping cost was in fact 29PLN, not 15PLN (as shown on the screenshot below), so literally I owe him 14PLN more. I trust him an i'm okay with returning him that 14PLN. Please advise how can i do that ?
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1st: You may be right, but I'm not sure.
2nd: I think you're right.
3rd: Here is your answer:
Open details once and expand details. There'll be your option ;]

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@Client:100367512 you will have this order twice because in fact you did order this twice. But the seller gave back one payment and I assume that he didn't send the item to you because you informed him about the mistake before he ship the package.
And you are right I also can't see information about tracking the package therefore I assume that the seller didn't put it in the system.
You don't have to pay extra for the the delivery because you are obliged to the price that you choose while you were making the order and this is the seller choice that he ship it in a different way especially that he didn't inform you.
If you want to pay that difference you can do it here please click purchase details and then probably something like "more details" and then the "Dopłać" as you see on the screen below:

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thank you for your replies.
I've made the 14PLN extra payment - not a big deal - , but the seller says the money haven't arrived.
My idea is that he must properly complete the order before the funds will be available to him, right? None of the orders is completed so far, maybe the seller is a novice in Allegro or so : /

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@Client:100367512, the best way to explain this is to open a Discussion. It is a place, where you can ask for an opinion an Allegro employee. And also you can attach there confirmation of this extra payment.
Daj znać, co myślisz o Allegro Gadane i wypełnij ankietę! 🙂

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Well today the seller wrote me again 'Nie ma pieniędzy.'
So yes, i'd like to open a discussion to resolve this once and forever. BUT there are no relevant options for me in the discussion reasons, i.e. my situation is quite unusual: i've paid for an item, received it successfully and additionally paid 14PLN which i was asked for. No complaints from my side besides the messages from the seller that my part of the deal is undone
Should I tell the seller to open a discussion by himself? Seems like he's not very... communicative : ( Instead of doing things according to the process he is saying 'No money'
I also wonder how such seller sells private stuff in Allegro, and not in Allegro Lokalnie, but let's make it a separate conversation : )
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Seller hasn't received only additional 14 zł, right ? Maybe he can't find this money on his allegro account ? He should check here:
In fact, you paid for everything (what was the shipping option ?) so you're clear. Like la_nika wrote: you paid all like it was in offer and this additional fee was your good will.
At least you can invite him to this discussion here 🙂

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Sorry, it's still not clear to me - he keeps writing 'No money', 'No money' so I dont know exactly what part of the funds is n/a to him (I guess the entire amount is n/a because the order is still in 'Paid' status, not 'Delivered'). The proposition to properly finish the order left unanswered
And yes, I paid the initial order (65PLN for the item + 15PLN for Priority registered letter 'Shybka paczka') , then I added 14PLN via Allegro per his request .
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