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Hello, I have a question, Is the price of glandex 60 ks correct? The Price 5 400 Kč is really to much. Thank you. @RaBarbar_ka @MiMary @w_kiwi @ko_alka @la_nika @ayo80 @nat_not @_HolaOla_
@Client:119123642 If you have any questions about the offer, it is best to ask the seller directly. 🙂
Thank you for your answer 🙂
1. here is a public forum
2. we don't know what glandex is
3. if it is too much - don't buy it and find something cheaper
4. you have to know yourself what is too expensive for your wallet....
Little bit arogant answer, but it is okay. Maybe you do not have your day.
1. And what? I can't ask this type question here? 🙂
2. If you do not know, use Google that will help with it ;).
3.Sorry but when I bought it on Allegro last time the price was 800 Kč. Do you see the difference?
4. Yes I know, but that did not my question 😉
5. Thank you for your answer but unfortunately was not helpful 😉
Maybe do not answer next time if you do not want to help
Have a nice day 🙂