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czy mogę zostać oszukany jesli kupujeprzez Allegro lokalnie, I czy moge zwrocic pieniądze?

#1 Nowicjusz#
















oznacz moderatorów

#15 Entuzjasta#

Nie widzimy screenów  @N_Nitka28 @RaBarbar_ka @MiMary @w_kiwi @la_nika @ayo80 @nat_not @_HolaOla_  

Jeśli dostałeś "link" od sprzedającego i płaciłeś blikiem to jest to oszustwo i należy to zgłosić na Policję. Allegro nie ma jak pomóc bo zakup nie został dokonany na platformie Allegro.

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec# 

czy pan myślę to oszuwstwo? Bo nie wiem ja kupiłem konto i jestem oszukany, ale ten sprzedawca przesłał mi wszystkie zrzuty ekranu itp. czy mogę zaufać?  And can I get my money back in case he scams me? PLS help me someone I really want that account but I don’t wanna get scammed, he also asked for my discord (on screenshots)

oznacz moderatorów

#15 Entuzjasta#

Jeśli kieruje Ciebie na discord to nikt Tobie nie pomoże. 

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec#

Tak wiem ale czy może pan widzisz zdjęcia, które zamieściłem? Czy ten sprzedawca wygląda na uczciwego?

oznacz moderatorów

#15 Entuzjasta#

Skąd mam wiedzieć czy wygląda na uczciwego, nie widziałem go.

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec#

I’m sorry, I meant does he look like he gonna scam me? I mean by his texts and stuff, he asked for my discord etc. My question is, if I get scammed, will I be able to get my money back? I can buy "kup teraz przesylka elektroniczna" but can allegro help me if I buy an online account through this option? 

oznacz moderatorów

#15 Entuzjasta#

Skoro dokonasz zakupu i transakcji poza Portalem Allegro to na jakiej podstawie ktokolwiek ma Tobie pomóc?

oznacz moderatorów

#21 Demiurg#

Show the link to the offer if you want to get some specific help.
Selling some type of accounts on Allegro is prohibited.

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec# 

here it is, will I be able to get my money back in case he scams me? Can allegro help me if I buy an fortnite account through this option? "Kup teraz przesylka elektroniczna” I mean if he gives me wrong account not like in the description, will I be able to report him and get my money back or something?

oznacz moderatorów

#21 Demiurg#

Ok, I know what the offer is. Note that the offer contains absolutely nothing about what the account contains, and only the information included in the offer is valid.
He can promise you anything on discord, but if it is not included in the offer, you may just get an empty account.
I would skip the purchase.

Not to mention the fact that EPIC Games' terms and conditions prohibit the sale of accounts...

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec#

thank you, but he send me screenshots of this account in our chat etc, it seems to be valid, and it’s the same as in those photos in the offer, if I buy here on allegro through kup teraz, without discord and stuff, and if the account is not the one, can I show the chat to allegro support, and it’s obvious that I would have got scammed, would they give my money back in this case? Or the money is just goin to his card right away after I bought it through kup teraz?

oznacz moderatorów

#21 Demiurg#

This question cannot be answered YES or NO.
There are many factors that influence the possible outcome of a case.
I would like to remind you that what counts is what is in the content of the offer and that the sale of accounts is prohibited by Allegro regulations and the terms of the EPIC Games service.

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec#


I also bought an account recently but the seller scammed me, he didn’t mention that account was random and I got plenty account with nothing that was in the description, and I bought it through kup teraz, and allegro support seems to be okay with that, but the seller I wanna buy account from accepted in our chat that there is 100% chance of getting exactly that one account from the offer after buying, so if I buy this account, is it a valid point for allegro to give my money back? And I just quite don’t understand, is the many going to allegro or right to the seller’s credit card if I buy through kup teraz

oznacz moderatorów

#21 Demiurg#

After purchase, the seller has the option of immediate withdrawal of funds to his account.

You wrote that you have been scamed on before.
Now you have been warned about the risks - the rest is up to you.
Good luck.

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec#

thank you, but what if the account that I bought is completely different from the description, and the seller has already withdrawn the money to his card, but allegro support said that he has to give them back to me, how is it gonna work? What if he just won’t want to give the money back?

oznacz moderatorów

#21 Demiurg#

Just remember that a refund from Allegro Protect is not guaranteed.
Depends on the details of the case.

oznacz moderatorów

#8 Zapaleniec#


 will I be able to get my money back In case he scams me? Kup teraz przesyłka elemtroniczna

oznacz moderatorów

#21 Demiurg#

@Client:118202408 Show us link to the offer before You buy anything.

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