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Hello! My name is Maciej Śnieżek and I am pleased to introduce you to Allegro Gadane - Allegro customer and client community website, which you can use in many different ways:

  • If you have questions or concerns about shopping or selling on Allegro, please describe them and certainly someone more experienced will help you.
  • If you are an experienced seller yourself, if the sale on Allegro has no secrets for you, share your knowledge with people by answering their questions.
  • If you just want to talk to other people who use Allegro - you'll find quite a few here!

At Allegro Gadane, you'll mainly meet Allegro customers - just like you. They are practitioners who know about Allegro the most and will explain to you the intricacies of various functions of the website. You can also meet here Allegro employees whose task is to develop the community, ensure compliance with the rules, and to help those who have questions about Allegro Gadane:

At the moment, the structure of the Allegro Gadane community is two thematic categories divided into five forums. Links to the categories can be found in the upper right of each page, while the box with links to individual forums will be visible after entering the category.

  1. Dla Sprzedających (For Sellers) category, consists of three forums:
  2. There are two forums in Dla Kupujących (For Buyers) category:
  3. Blog Społeczności (Community Blog - you are just reading one of its entries) is a separate place where you can find messages from the Allegro Gadane team regarding important events within the community, as well as the most important changes in Allegro itself.

We will, of course, develop this structure, expanding it with new thematic forums, e.g. related to specific services or issues.


It's worth to register! You can view and read Allegro Gadane without logging in, however, if you want to deep dive into discussions, ask a question or give someone's answer a kudo - you should be logged in. In Allegro Gadane you log in with your login / email address and password from Allegro. After logging in for the first time, you will be asked to accept the Community Regulations. That's all! Your account on Allegro Gadane is now fully functional.


What are ranks? We created a rank system at Allegro Gadane. When logging in for the first time, you will receive the rank of Nowicjusz (Novice). There are 21 ranks in total - you'll receive subsequent ranks depending on your activity and seniority. Therefore, visit us as often as possible, take the floor, make sure that your answers are substantive and comprehensive, and when you ask a question - remember to mark the correct answer when it appears (by clicking the "Accept as solution" link).

What is kudo? It's a sign that any logged-in person can give to a specific answer if they think it is relevant, correct or valuable - or if they simply want to express support for their author. Awarding and receiving kudos helps to acquire subsequent ranks.

Remember! Allegro Gadane is a community of Allegro users, Allegro employees perform administrative functions here. If you have questions that can only be answered by an Allegro employee (e.g. deletion of an offer, account ban etc.), write to us via this form.

If you have a question about Allegro Gadane that you did not find the answer to - view our FAQ. And if that is also not enough - just comment on this article.

Let's stay in touch!

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